Street Outlaws Jeff Lutz in MadMax vs NASTY Blown Chevelle in NY

If you’re throwing down on the track and happen to look over and see Jeff Lutz the next lane over, you had better make sure that you have brought your “A game” to the table. Racers are always trying to push their cars far as they during each and every pass but, if you look over and see MadMax sitting there ready to blast, you may just click it up a couple more notches beyond what might be safe because competing with a car like that most certainly is no easy task. When all of these factors come together in one combustible situation that has two racers going head-to-head, it most certainly makes for an awesome scene to watch.
This time, the guys over at the National No Prep Racing Association take us to the scene in New York as Lutz is on the scene and ready to race one nasty blown Chevrolet Chevelle as piloted by Randy Jewell, a car that looks like it’s certainly no pushover to say the least.
When the pair roll up and do their burnouts, getting ready to stage up and hammer down once that light goes green, you can feel that little tingle of excitement starting in your stomach that’s ready to watch these insane machines plaster their way down the drag strip to the best pass that they can possibly muster up. It’s always a good time to spectate and this situation is certainly no different!
Follow along with all that this race has to offer down in the video below and after you see this pair go at it, be sure to tell us what you think of the matchup. We can never get enough of watching cars like this make their way down the track, pounding away at personal bests and potentially records if they play their cards right!