Street Outlaws JJ Da Boss and Tricia Walk From This Violent Crash

When professional racing drivers head out to do their jobs, they always know that there is danger lurking over the horizon. However, the hope is that this danger is minimal over a career and that we’re all able to avoid getting into that catastrophic accident.
Unfortunately for Street Outlaws fan favorites, Tricia and JJ Da Boss, escaping such an incident wasn’t a possibility this time around.
This past Monday, the footage from January of the husband and wife duo racing one another would finally air on Discovery Channel after images and stories have been passed around social media for quite some time.
We have to warn you that the footage is downright horrifying. Fortunately, though, both parties were able to walk away from this incident and will be able to race again even though we couldn’t help but think the worst given how bad the crash looked.
As the story has it, the pair would be matched for the race Street Outlaws: America’s List down in Texas when a blow-off tube or oil line came loose on JJ’s car, giving rise to a crazy fire before sending the car across the racing surface. Tricia was left to try and avoid the accident which is an incredibly difficult feat at such a rate of speed. After being unable to avoid the contact, Tricia’s “ZipTie” Chevrolet would also be sent into a tailspin. She was said to have struck a production vehicle past the finish line.
Both were transported to a local hospital following the incident via a post on JJ’s social media.
Tricia was treated for hip injuries.
JJ would be treated for burns to his hands and face.
It doesn’t appear, though, as if either Trisha or JJ will let this gnarly incident keep them from behind the wheel of a racing machine. From what we understand, JJ has already been behind the wheel and is racing again.
WRECK Footage 2/12/22 JJ Da Boss Hummingbird Memphis Street Outlaws crash Louisiana America’s List