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Strong padlock vs extremely hot thermite, The results are ashy

As of late, padlocks have become the victims of all sorts of experiments to see how exactly you could easily open them up with the use of materials ranging from simple wrenches all the way to Coke cans and everything in between. This time, fire is thrown into the mix.

With the use of a thermite concoction, the Crazy Russian Hacker goes at a padlock to see if it can hold up to some intense heat. The result is a blazing ball that is nothing short of mesmerizing.

The Hacker goes at it with a selection of locks and as the more stubborn one refuses to give in to the heat, the amount of thermite is on the rise, giving birth to an even bigger ball of fire that will grab your attention and won’t release it until the blaze burns to a halt.

Check out the video below that shows off these backyard experiments that are quite interesting to watch unfold. So, can you crack open a lock with thermite? The results below speak for themselves!