Stupid Fast! 3.79@212MPH in a Twin Turbo Corvette!!

In the world of drag radial racing, No Mercy brings you some of the most intense action of the year and this time, Free Life Films is on location and giving us exactly what we want to see. This is the kind of racing that we crave and the stuff that really gets the seats filled.
This time, it’s Daniel Pharris out there in his C7 Chevrolet Corvette bodied racing machine at No Mercy 7, cracking off passes in the 3.7-second range like it’s his job. In short, this car is about as bad as they come.
As you watch the machine in action, you can pretty much feel adrenaline jittering down your spine as the insane piece of engineering roars down the track and takes no prisoners, planting hard and rocketing straight down its lane to an intimidating couple of passes.
Check out the video below as the machine hustles to passes topping 212 mph. Is this all that has the tank? I guess that only time will be able to tell that story. Watching this thing in motion is a true treat to be had.