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Subaru WRX STI vs Ford Mustang – CRASH at the Spectator Drags

For many racers, sticking their car on a drag strip to compete in a straight line provides its fair share of danger and most of us couldn’t even fathom going head to head in a circular test ‘n tune.

This time, we check out an event known as the “Spectator Drags,” where, from the looks of it, just about anybody is able to do just that.

In this bout, we have a Subaru WRX STI going toe to toe with a Ford Mustang. While the Mustang gets left behind off of the line, he’s determined to catch back up before the finish line.

Check out the video below as the determination overrides the driver’s abilities and puts the car directly into the wall. Luckily, the Stang didn’t take out the other car and it looks like the driver ended up being alright.

Are we alone in thinking that this kind of racing is completely absurd or would you throw in your hat with another amateur behind the wheel next to you?

