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Teen Accused of Train Derailment, Posts New Crash Video For Clicks

In a disturbing incident that has shocked many, a teenager in Nebraska stands accused of deliberately derailing a train, recording the crash, and posting the footage online for clicks. The 17-year-old, described as a “railfan” or train enthusiast by investigators, faces two felony counts of criminal mischief for intentionally damaging or tampering with property. This event has raised serious concerns about the lengths to which individuals might go for online attention.

The Incident

The incident took place on April 21 at around 6:10 pm local time in Bennet, Nebraska, a small town located about 17 miles southeast of Lincoln. The train, operated by BNSF Railway, was carrying a load of coal and traveling east when it derailed at a crossing. According to court documents and a search warrant affidavit filed in the district court of Lancaster County, the teenager was identified as the person responsible for this dangerous act.

The Details Unfold

Investigators uncovered that the teenager not only derailed the train but also meticulously recorded the entire crash. The footage was then posted online, presumably to garner views and attention. The act of derailing a train is not just reckless but also highly dangerous, putting lives at risk and causing significant property damage. The BNSF Railway train, filled with coal, represented both a potential environmental hazard and a severe economic loss.

Legal Consequences

The teenager now faces two felony counts of criminal mischief. These charges indicate that the authorities are taking the matter seriously, as tampering with railway property is a federal offense with severe penalties. The court documents filed in Lancaster County highlight the gravity of the situation, painting a picture of a young individual whose passion for trains took a dark turn.

The Mindset of a Railfan

Railfans or train enthusiasts are generally harmless individuals who have a deep passion for trains. They often spend their time photographing, recording, and studying trains. However, in this case, the teenager’s enthusiasm crossed the line into criminal behavior. This incident raises questions about the potential dangers of extreme fandom and the impact of social media on young minds.

Social Media and Its Impact

The role of social media in this incident cannot be overlooked. The teenager’s actions appear to have been driven by a desire for online fame and validation. Posting the crash footage online for clicks suggests a disturbing trend where the quest for internet popularity can lead to reckless and illegal behavior. This case serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers of social media, especially for impressionable young individuals.

The Aftermath

Following the derailment, the authorities had to deal with the immediate aftermath, which included assessing the damage, clearing the wreckage, and investigating the cause of the crash. The BNSF Railway had to undertake significant efforts to restore the affected tracks and ensure the safety of the surrounding area. The derailment of a coal-carrying train not only caused substantial property damage but also posed environmental risks that required prompt attention.

Community Reaction

Train derailments are serious events that can have far-reaching consequences, and the revelation that this one was intentional has only heightened the shock and outrage. Residents and rail enthusiasts alike are grappling with the idea that someone from within their community could commit such a reckless act.

Broader Implications

This incident has broader implications for the rail industry and law enforcement. It highlights the need for increased security measures and monitoring to prevent similar acts of sabotage. Railways are a critical part of the national infrastructure, and ensuring their safety is paramount. This case also underscores the importance of educating young enthusiasts about the boundaries of their passion and the serious consequences of illegal actions.

Moving Forward

As the legal process unfolds, the focus will likely shift towards understanding the motivations behind the teenager’s actions and preventing similar incidents in the future. The case serves as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of extreme fandom and the influence of social media. It also emphasizes the need for community awareness and the role of parents, educators, and peers in guiding young individuals towards positive and lawful expressions of their interests.


The story of the Nebraska teenager accused of derailing a train and posting the footage online is a sobering reminder of the potential consequences of seeking online fame at any cost. It highlights the importance of responsible behavior, both online and offline, and the serious repercussions of criminal actions. As this case progresses, it serves as an important lesson for train enthusiasts and social media users alike, emphasizing the need for balance, safety, and respect for the law. Photo Credit – Washingtontimes