Teenager Builds a Lamborghini Reventon Clone by Hand in His Garage !

We’ve seen some DIY builds over the years, some better than others in quality. All things considered, this is certainly one of the better ones. We’ll start by taking into account what this kid started with and what he transformed it into. Beginning with one of the ubiquitous pedestrian teenager daily drivers, a Mitsubishi Eclipse, this young man dumped a whole bunch of time and effort into literally recreating the car into a completely different ride, one that will certainly turn heads wherever he goes. The end product is a surprisingly reasonable rendition of a Lamborghini, and not just any Lambo, but the heralded Reventon, one of the baddest rides to ever roll of Lamborghini’s assembly line.
We also have to consider that this kid is a teenager, and at least from what we can tell, did most of the work himself. While he most assuredly had some help along the way with different tasks, just the fact that he had the vision, talent and drive to make such a drastic change in his car and have it turn out looking enough like a supercar that a good portion of the general public will not catch the difference.
Finally, we have to really give this guy some credit for seeing this thing through all the way to the end. You know he had no idea how much work it was going to be to do this right, especially factoring in the fact that he even installed scissor-style doors and very Reventon-esque lighting all the way around. Little details like that will really help sell the car as a Lambo, even though even a casual gearhead will notice the roofline isn’t quite right and the car’s overall dimensions are just not what they should be for a true Lambo. That’s not to take anything away from the build or the young man who pulled it off, just know we can tell, but we’re still proud of you for doing what you do! Keep it up kid, you’ll go far in this industry.