Tesla Makes a Phone Charger?! – Let’s Take a Look Inside
![Tesla Makes a Phone Charger?! – Let’s Take a Look Inside - Speed Society](https://news.speedsociety.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/tesla-makes-a-phone-charger-lets.jpg)
When it comes the Tesla company, they definitely have created an abundance of amazing things. Elon Musk and crew really are on a journey to outdo themselves every single day. With this momentum, they’ve created some of the most amazing automobiles that you will see on the road these days that are able to do everything from travel without any fuel at all to being able to drive by themselves with no driver in place. However, Tesla also came out with a weird peripheral product that doesn’t really seem to make sense but certainly managed to draw our attention, wondering what this company would have to do with such a product.
In this one, we’re able to take a look at the phone charger that has been created by the Tesla company. No, this isn’t some sort of joke, but instead an insight into a product that many people probably never even knew existed. It really leads you to wonder why exactly a company that sells high-end cars would be interested in creating a power bank like this but with a crack open, you learn a little bit more about the contraption that might make it a little bit cooler to own.
You see, instead of a standard battery, this power bank has one very similar to what you’d find in a Model S for a Model X. Essentially, what this video creator tells us is that it is pretty much a run-of-the-mill battery charger and $45 seems to be a little bit steep for what it actually offers as you can get something similar on Amazon for much cheaper, however, the novelty and collectibility factor of the bank make it a pretty neat little gadget that you might want to look into. Who knows, this might just be one of those gizmos that pops on the market with an absurd price tag years from now.