Tesla Might be Planning to Release an Electric Submarine

It’s arguable that few have done for the car community in the last decade what Elon Musk has. Like the man or not, it’s hard to deny that he has certainly lit a spark. With the push in electric vehicles from the Tesla brand, we’ve seen all sorts of automakers taking the concept more seriously.
It seems like Musk and company have really built their brand on thinking outside the box. Furthermore, it seems like Musk can be more willing to push the envelope. While this is something that shareholders fret over, for just about everyone else, it’s a great time.
Recently, we saw the release of the Tesla Cybertruck which really doubled down on this theory. Upon its release, just about anyone who saw it realized that the vehicle was unconventional. Many would even go so far as saying that the truck is absurd. It’s this kind of thinking, though, that has propelled Tesla to the place they are today. In fact, it might just be Elon Musk’s way of reshaping the path that leads to the future.
The plans seemed to slide under the radar this past summer. However, it’s apparent that Elon has been thinking about putting together a submarine. In a shareholder meeting, Elon even admitted that the company has worked on a design. He would even go so far as saying that it was inspired by The Spy Who Loved Me. For those too young to remember, that’s a James Bond reference. Musk continued that the task of creating an aquatic car would certainly be a challenge but is “technically possible.”
Those familiar with the meeting seemed to hint that the comment was made in passing. It didn’t seem like something that he was adamant about putting into production. If there’s anything that we’ve learned about Elon, though, it’s that nothing is out of the realm of possibility. The guy did sell flamethrowers, after all.