That Was a Close Call – SEMI Truck Nearly Takes Out Group of Stranded Cars!
That Was a Close Call – SEMI Truck Nearly Takes Out Group of Stranded Cars!
If you live anywhere that isn’t the southern or western part of America, odds are that you’ve probably encountered some pretty cold and treacherous weather at least once in your life.
Weather like this can make driving require a little bit more attention than the second nature skill that it has proven to become for most of us.
We would assume that the experience is amplified ten fold when you throw a semi-truck into the mix given that it’s about as maneuverable on the road as a cruise ship!
This time, we check out a sketchy situation as a barreling semi-truck can’t stop in time when coming up on a group of stranded motorists who are stuck in the ice and snow. Luckily, some quick and accurate reflexes allow the truck driver to scoot out of the way with mere seconds to spare.
After passing some bikes, this Audi crashes HARD!