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The Deathkart Is Something Straight Out Of Mad Max And We Want One!

You know what they say, we never really grow up but instead, the toys just get bigger. As you get a little bit older and have some money to spend and start developing some skills to work on the big boy toys, you can buy or put together the toys that dreams are made of and this time, we check out exactly that as we zero in on a sort of go-kart that is unlike any other you have ever seen before. This full size car looks like something straight out of Mad Max and by the way they drive this thing, you can’t help but want to get behind the wheel and have a turn for yourself.

The kart is known as “Deathkart” and the kart’s menacing appearance certainly matches the name. This stripped-down car that is nothing more than a mere carcass of itself and certainly meets the goal of the essentials to operate it to the max but beyond that, you can expect no-frills or luxury however, that gives you more of an excuse to go out there and beat the living snot out of this thing when you get behind the wheel and drive it like it’s stolen. That’s exactly how these guys treated it and we’re loving every last second of the action as they put it through its paces that we could have never imagined possible!

Follow along with the video below as the DeathKart is taken to hell and back, completely abused and destroyed in the name of having a great time. We’re pretty sure that after checking out something like this, every last gear head in their right mind would want to have a machine similiar to this in their garage that they could just take out and not really care about to completely beat on. Not caring about the outcome seems to be the most enjoyable part of this machine!