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The Luxury Car Market Might Have A Surprising New Competitor

If we were to ask a company like Hyundai what the most challenging part of building a luxury machine is, they probably wouldn’t talk much about the car itself. Sure, building a quality car isn’t necessarily something that’s going to be easy. However, the bigger challenge, we assume, would come in reviving a brand-name. At the end of the day, Hyundai isn’t going to be the first, second, or even top 10 in names that someone would turn over their hard-earned money to in order to purchase a luxury car.

In any case, this barrier to competing in the luxury game hasn’t stopped them from trying. In fact, the brand has even spun off an entirely new brand that is supposed to compete in this luxury space. With the help of the Genesis nameplate, Hyundai has really brought an interesting offering to the table.

In 2021, Genesis will be coming yet again with another top-tier offering. For years, their luxury sedans have been compared to top-tier names like Mercedes-Benz. As the gap between the top and the bottom seems to be closing and production gets better and better, it leads us to wonder when exactly a brand like Genesis might pass one of the more expensive brands on the market.

This time, Doug DeMuro brings us the Genesis G80, calling it a “Mercedes fighting luxury sport sedan.” At the end of the day, the offering that we see on-screen looks pretty plush. It really makes us wonder if folks will be able to look past the name brand on the front of a car and accept it for the content of its character instead of how it will be perceived by the general public.

Is Genesis finally in a stage where it might stand a chance of passing Mercedes as the top dog in the luxury market? It seems to be a subjective question and if we want an objective answer, only time will tell as we check out how the sales numbers look in the very near future.