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The Real Life Iron Man Jetpack that Actually Flies

To be completely honest with you, kids and adults alike probably came out of the Iron Man Movie or comic book reading session wanting to be able to link themselves up to a suit like the one that Tony Stark himself has and go flying around above all of civilization.

However, that wasn’t necessarily an option until now. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a real-life version of Iron Man, this incredible working prototype gives us a little taste of how you can sprout your very own set of mechanical wings and fly away from all of your real world problems.

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In this video released by Red Bull, we check out Richard M Browning, and ex-Royal Marine reservist who was “inspired by doing things that haven’t been done” and as such, he’s accompanied by his suit made of multiple jet thrusters that are supposed to lift the user into the air to give them a sort of full body jet pack experience.

Sure, this might all just be an elaborate April Fools’ Day joke but you have to admit that they did an insanely good job at putting this video together. For a second, you almost might think that because it has that professional branding on it that this concept is really one that could come to life.