The Real Reason why Ford isn’t Making Sedans Anymore.

In a lot of situations in automotive news, there are instances that kind of pop up and don’t really make sense right off of the bat. Sometimes, you need to dig into exactly what the reasoning is behind them deeper and listen to the opinions of people who are close to the fire on why exactly some automakers make decisions in the way that they do. The perfect example of this seems to be the recent happening of how Ford, seemingly out of nowhere, picked up and decided that they would not be making sedans anymore. As the sedan is a major segment of the automotive market, it’s a little bit baffling as to why one of the world’s biggest automakers decided that they would simply pull out of the game in that respect.
From what we have gathered, it seems as if Ford has been losing sales in this arena and, as such, predicts that the market will no longer ask for sedans before long. It might not be a bad prediction, when you sit down and actually think about it and Ford might be on to something here, however, you would think that they would still produce these vehicles as long as they’re selling in some capacity. It’s not like the market has died altogether. Perhaps an overhaul of what they currently offer could help to revive the sedan market but the cards have fallen as they may.
Now, instead of the generally accepted explanation that simply follows the previously mentioned logic saying that sedans are less popular and also believed to be one of the product lines that Ford makes the least amount of money on per-unit, respected ford fanatic, Alejandro Flores, seems to think a little bit different. He instead insists that, in his eyes, he doesn’t exactly agree that the sedan market is eroding enough to the point where the brand should have just gotten rid of their sedans but instead, maybe they should’ve been a little bit more deliberate and forward thinking with their designs.
If you listen to the perspective below, it should shed some new light from a different angle on why exactly Ford might’ve gotten out of this product line. After listening to this, be sure to tell us why you think the brand is no longer producing four-door cars.