The Real Ring Of Fire In California! Driving Through The Mayhem!

The Real Ring Of Fire In California! Driving Through The Mayhem!
If you just so happen to reside in California, you know all about the little dry spells that certain areas tend to have, leading to more than tense situations as the possibility of fire is on the rise.
This time, one of these tense situations sprung into actions, causing a scene that looked much like a movie, a little drive through hell, if you will, as this driver took on a wildfire.
We’re given a glimpse of what it looks like in the car, as the driver proceeds through the burning mess and films the whole thing on the way.
Check out the clip below that will have you squirming around in your seat. This guy handled it quite smoothly as we know that many would have a breakdown while driving through something like this.
A 2016 Ford Superduty has already bitten the dust… or fire. We’ll shut up now so you can see it below.