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The Ripsaw EV2 is Ridiculous – The BEST Vehicle For Off-Roading?

The Ripsaw EV2 is Ridiculous – The BEST Vehicle For Off-Roading?

If you’re familiar with the “Howe & Howe” nameplate, then odds are that you also know a little something something about the badass machines that arise under their watch.

This time, we take a look at what might be arguably the best vehicle ever built for off-roading in the Ripsaw EV2, a tracked vehicle that makes the toughest of terrain look like a walk on the beach.

We watch as this mean machine is booted up and goes for a spin in a wintry wonderland, making the most of all of the gracious engineering that’s available to it.

Check out the creation from the Howes in the video below and tell us what you think of the Ripsaw EV2. If you just so happen to be in the ever so unique luxury tank niche market, then this might be exactly what you’re looking for.