The Search is on For a Stolen Race Car and Rig, Reward for Catching Guilty Party

Until you’re sitting in the hot seat, things like this seem like they could never happen to you, but over this past weekend, Jake Jarvis would feel the pain that could be inflicted by a criminal as he was getting ready to race at an event at Charlotte’s zMAX drag strip, when all of a sudden, everything would go into a spiral in the matter of just moments.
Following Street Car Takeover’s Friday night meet, Jarvis would head back to his hotel with his daughters and try to grab some sleep so that he could be ready for the big race the next day. However, when he would go out to his rig the next day, it was nowhere in sight.
With an estimated investment of over $150,000 in his Pontiac Trans Am and $250,000 in the entire setup that included the truck, enclosed trailer, and ATV that belonged to his daughter, the search was on to try and locate his belongings.
So far, it appears as if the truck and ATV have been located in South Carolina after being abandoned on the side of the road, but the search for the car and trailer are still on. As a community, I think that most of us can appreciate the heart and soul that Jake has dumped into the car and how something like this really has to hit close to home.
Even though the monetary investment in the setup is a pretty crazy amount to most people, the heart that you invest into something like this is just a dynamic that you simply can’t replace.
If you follow along with the local news report below, you’ll be able to gather a little bit more information about the car and what to look out for. If you do come up with something that you think may lead to the people responsible, we would recommend getting into contact with the Concord, NC and local police.
Hopefully, if we can all come together as a community as we already have with over 60,000 shares on Facebook, it won’t be long before everything is located. In addition, $10,000 is up for grabs if someone is able to come up with information that leads to the arrest of the parties responsible.