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The Speed Society Hot Sauce Challenge Heads to the 405

When it comes to our buddies over at HeatShield Products, they’re all about creating things that keep the heat away when it comes to your car. One good way to make your car inefficient is to allow that heat to get all over the place including in the cabin so they take the liberty of isolating that heat and getting rid of it as fast as possible, essentially making your car more efficient as it keeps a cooler temperature to help with the airflow but also takes the liberty of keeping the heat out of the cabin to try and make the driving experience a little bit more pleasurable as well so you don’t burn up in there.

However, this time, we catch up with a situation as HeatShield has come out with their very own hot sauce and we took it upon ourselves to create a challenge. Of course, Speed Society’s own Morgan would be the first one to take a crack at downing some of this stuff as he drank the entire bottle! One thing led to another and the challenge was born as we started to pass around this heat and see how many people are brave enough to drink the entire bottle. As you can imagine, sucking down that much hot sauce can’t feel good and this is where the challenge was born! If you think that you’re brave enough to do it, you step up to the plate, drinks the sauce, and call someone else out!

This time, we follow along as Lou from 405 Photo who takes on our hot sauce challenge, cracking open a fresh bottle of hot sauce and dumping it down the hatch. Just watching this thing kind of makes us cringe at the thought of it ourselves but we’re glad that it’s them and not us doing it this time! Up next is NXGonzo Video! Who else do you think should be called out in the hot sauce challenge?