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The Taliban Fired at these US Soldiers and their Reaction is Appropriately Overkill

Before we get rolling on this one, I definitely have to warn you but this video is for everybody. It does depict a war zone which obviously isn’t a pretty place to be. However, this was a video that we somehow never caught back when it was released in 2015 and now that we have become one of the over 8 million viewers to have seen it, we definitely have to feature it here for everyone to witness. The scene here is the result of the fire fight between United States soldiers and the Taliban. Let’s just say that in this video, the Taliban really didn’t have anything for the US.

We’re taken to the scene as a couple of soldiers are in a camp, when all of a sudden they get fired at by the Taliban. This is truly a scary situation for anybody, trained or not, but these guys aren’t going to sit around and think about it or be intimidated by being targeted. Instead, they hop straight to it and retaliate in just the right way as to neutralize the threat. Sure, it might have been bullets originally fired at them but in order to make things even, they decided a couple of explosives might be in store after a couple of bullets of their own. Therefore, with a couple of commands, the fighter jets are launched and the aerial attack on the enemy begins.

Check out the video below that showcases the back-and-forth combat situation that has these guys getting fired on and firing back. It’s clips like this that help you to remember exactly what these guys are going through when they’re fighting for freedom that allows us to have all of the liberties that we do today. Heck, without actions like the ones that we see in this very video, we probably wouldn’t be at liberty to create an article like this and share it with all of you.