This 1915 Frick Traction Engine Puts Out a Whopping 65HP!
While looking at all of the new technology that goes into making engines more efficient and more powerful today with less effort, it’s truly easy to appreciate everything that has advanced in this sector of powering all of the machines that we use in regular life.
However, sometimes, it’s also fun to take a step back and look at the way that things were before all of this innovation. Seeing videos like this really help you to appreciate the simplicity of some older applications that really lead you to recognize all of the features that you have been taking for granted that you could be using every single day.
Ride along down below in the video that shows a power plant from the year 1915 in a Frick steam engine that cranks out a whopping 65 hp. I don’t know about you but I definitely find relics like this to be incredibly cool in their very own right. What do you think of this steam powered old school equipment?