This Badass Commodore Has Gone To The Next Level… Massive Blower!
If you’ve never witnessed car culture down in Australia, whether in person or in a video, man, are you in for a treat! The folks behind the cars down under really go above and beyond to the point that really makes their cars nothing short of showcases to watch very closely. Whether it be the massive blower sticking out of the hood or… Well, they’re mostly known for their massive blowers. This time, we see exactly how that is and what one of these big blower cars might look like if you were to lay eyes on one. I guess that you could say that this is something that you won’t be able to miss!
In this one, we check out none other than a Holden Commodore that really brings it! This machine that’s known as “Nuttr” has the looks for sure and the muscle to back it all up as you can tell by the giant supercharger sticking out of the hood. Just hearing this thing idle is actually kind of intimidating as the car really has a presence that you can almost feel in the air as it’s fired up and delivers a lope that really is nothing short of music to the ears, almost creating a mechanical symphony! I’m not sure how you can be a car fanatic and not fall love with a sound like that.
Follow along in the video down below that will take you on the scene to be able to truly appreciate a ride like this. It’s not exactly clear what the end game for this vehicle is going to be when it finally does get into some sort of show or competition but, it almost feels like no matter what this car gets wrapped up in, it’s probably going to have some big-time success. Hopefully, we get filled in with videos from the skidpad!