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This Car Is The Definition Of Peak Performance Modifications

Well guys and gals, I’ve had just about enough internet for the day. I saw the title of this video and, as any gearhead should, got really excited to see what would be considered “peak automotive performance”. I was sorely disappointed in that aspect, but I did get a great laugh out of this.

Before I really go in on this build though, I’m going to put a little bit of a disclaimer on this: At the end of the day, we are all automotive enthusiast with a passion for the hobby that we all share. I am 100% supportive of anybody taking their ride and making it their own, even if the way they decide to approach their customization process is different from how I would do things. You go out there and do you, and I’ll cheer you on, as long as you use some common sense and don’t do anything inherently dangerous.

Now that that is out of the way, this guy has broken rule number one. While it’s the last item mentioned in the video, it’s the first thing I have to address. How in the world does anybody out there think it’s even remotely safe to use their dang headrest as an anchor for their 5-point harness? I mean, I get that this guy doesn’t have a cage in the car to bolt them to, and probably doesn’t realize that the next best option would be to anchor them to the floor behind the seat with heavy-duty hardware. But I mean seriously… the headrest?

Another thing I can’t quite sign off on is the use of a propane tank as a power adder. I know that propane works as a power adder for diesel engines, and there are some applications where it’s used in gas-burning engines, but those are almost exclusively turbocharged applications. As you can see, this car is not turbocharged, but there still may be some benefit to spraying a little propane into the intake charge.

What isn’t okay I just having an open propane tank sitting in the back seat. While propane is actually relatively safe as far as the fumes go (relatively safe does not mean go out and inhale propane, though, as it is an asphyxiant, meaning that while it’s not considered toxic, if it replaces oxygen in your lungs, it can still kill you) it is highly flammable and even the slightest leak combined with an impact or cigarette lighter (there is an ashray in the passenger seat, after all) could result in a devastating explosion.

Let’s all work together to make our fellow enthusiasts aware of potential safety issues when they’re working on their customization. It takes nothing but some simple suggestions and words of encouragement to help keep safety a top priority for our fellow gear heads.

