This Deer Comes Back To Life In The Back of a Trunk After Being Hit

When you plow into a deer when you are behind the wheel, the experience can provide quite a shocking feeling. Not only does the person behind the wheel suffer their fair share of trauma, but the deer in the situation is also left with its senses scrambling in every which way if it makes it out of the other side of the collision alive.
In this scenario, we catch up with a deer vs car scenario that unfolds in a way that we can say we have never seen before. When the driver runs the animal over, it looks like it’s over for Bambi as it lays lifeless in the road. While caught in the frenzy, the driver of the vehicle tries to do the right thing and pick up the deer to dispose of the body in a proper and respectful manner.
When a police officer rolls up on the scene, everything changes, though. When the officer is able to assess the situation, he recommends that the driver just leave the deer on the side of the road. When the driver plucks the body from the back of his vehicle and goes to lay it down on the side of the road again, something amazing happens as the deer springs back to life and sprints away from the scene of the accident. It looks like this deer was just playing possum all along and did a great job of fooling these two!
Check out the insane situation down in the video below that probably leaf at least two humans at a loss for words. Hopefully, that deer is able to find its way back to full health when it rooms back into the wild once again.