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This Guy Decided To Fix His Truck Window And Finds Thousands Of Dollars Hidden Inside

Every once in a while, you may find yourself watching a movie or television series and wishing that your life was a little bit more interesting like what you see on the screen, you know, without all of the plot points that are negative and would end up being a pain in the neck. Instead, many probably wish they could just walk around and find treasure every once in a while, spicing up a regular life into something that looks more like it came out of Hollywood. As it turns out, for this man, I’m not sure if that was in his thoughts but that’s exactly what happened in front of him. Seriously, this is something that nobody could ever expect to happen to them.

As it turns out, after driving his truck for a while, he would eventually run into some problems with his power windows working. I guess that, after a while, normal wear and tear will do that to your vehicle as it begins to throw some small problems your way that need to be fixed. Instead of taking the car into a shop to get the work done, this individual decided that he would do all of the work himself and after what happened to him, well, you’re probably going to be influenced to break out the DIY videos when you need some work done because you don’t want to miss an opportunity like this, no matter how unlikely it is.

As the story continues, we learn about how the problem with the power windows was thanks to a bag that had been shoved in the door panel who knows when. Inside of the bag were individual packages wrapped in duct tape. It looked like something straight out of a movie and the first thought that actually pops into your head is that there have been bags of drugs sitting in the door panel this truck. However, to the delight of the truck’s owner, it would be mounds of cash that he would find inside of the door, instead. Who knows how long it’s been sitting there or where it came from but I guess that this guy just fell into some tax-free money! Honestly, if that were me, I’m not sure that I would advertise finding the sum of money as whoever lost it might be on the lookout to get it back.