This Harley Davidson Crash Compilation Will Make You Cringe!

Before you head out there and hop on a motorcycle, it’s a natural thought process to go through, wondering if it’s worth all of the danger that lies beyond with drivers not paying attention and the potential for a fall with nothing there to save you but the cold, hard ground which I can guarantee you isn’t a good friend to have.
This time, we check out a compilation of videos that showcase people on two wheels who couldn’t exactly hold it together as, in a variety of different situations, they found that staying upright and in a safe position would be about impossible to carry out.
From issues unfolding under full throttle during a race to simply cruising and having an issue come out of nowhere, this video really spans a wide range of fears that come about when riding on a bike. Some of these riders go through some intense situations and find themselves in a place that they don’t want to be in, that’s for sure.
Check out the video below that probably scared the pants right off of a couple of folks who were on the fence of whether or not they wanted to experiment in the world of two wheels for themselves or not. I’m sure that situations like these are somewhat rare occurrences but, if you decide to roll on two wheels, you have to know that stuff like this is out there and potentially waiting on you. You’d better strap on your helmets, my friends.