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This is how your car’s airbag actually works!

Thanks to leaps and bounds in safety technology, when you get into an accident in your car, you can expect many processes to unfold that should act in unison to make sure that you come out on the other side of said accident with as few bangs and bruises as possible

One of the most rudimentary parts of a car’s safety system would obviously be the airbags after you consider the seatbelts, of course. Whenever the threat of injury is prevalent, they conveniently pop out and prevent you from joining your head and the dashboard into one piece.

In this one, the underlying magic that helps to save your life is dissected piece by piece in a quite informational video that will help you to better decipher how exactly it is that an airbag works. How does technology know precisely when to pop out in that split-second between the impact and when you are about to get clobbered? Today, you find out!

Check out the video below that takes you inside of this age old technology to show you exactly what is so great about it that it has been in play for all of these years. Do you think that anything will eventually come along to replace the airbag entirely?