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This is the Best Way to Keep Your Garage Organized

For many folks, having organization is an absolute must but sometimes, space, one of the key components are being organized, just isn’t available which makes it a lot harder to make sure that everything has its own place and stays in that place for the most put together experience possible.

This time, we check out a neat little invention that will help to keep a garage organized by taking on all of the duties that would normally be carried by in attic without actually having an actual attic in place and it’s pretty neat to watch this invention in action.

With a contraption known as the “Auxx Lift,” the user is able to suspend shelving from the rafters and, at the touch of a button, have the shelving drop down to be exposed. This will be great for those things that you need every once in a while but would like to store in an out of sight location.

Check out the video below that shows us the storage solution in action. It leads one to wonder how much weight can be stacked up on top of something like this before it comes tumbling down. The design certainly does look promising, though.
