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This Kid Is The Future Of Racing! Can’t Beat That enthusiasm

Sometimes it just takes a few seconds to tell a story. In this case, all I need is 23 seconds of your time (plus the couple of minutes it’ll take you to read the rest of this) to show you a little boy falling in love for the very first time.

We don’t know names, but honestly we don’t need to, because this could literally be any of us getting our first taste of something we love. This young man and is sitting high up in the stands at Pine Valley Raceway in Lufkin, Texas on a sunny afternoon as what appear to be some grass roots bracket racers hit the the track. As soon as the cars leave the line, you can see his whole body fills with enthusiasm as he claps and laughs at the racers on the track. As they pass, he turns where you can see the huge smile lighting up his face as the gives them a hearty point as if to say “Way to go, guys!”

I was a little older than this kid when I went to the track for the first time, but my reaction was something very similar. I fell in love immediately with drag racing of all types, from bracket racing all the way up to Top Fuel, there’s no type of drag racing I won’t watch and truly enjoy.

I’m so thankful to this day that Pops took me with him to the track all those years ago. Besides immersing me in the sport itself, he also introduced me to much of my racing family. It’s been said countless times that the friendships you build at the races are often deeper and stronger than those you have with your actual family and I’m here to tell you that’s the absolute truth.

I’ve met many a friend who I call my brothers and sisters thanks to racing, and I’ve seen the racing family pull together to help those in need more times than I could ever recount. You may want to beat them on the track, but when those helmets come off, most of us are on the same team at the end of the day and would do anything for a brother or sister in need.

