This kids Optimus Prime outfit wins this years costume contest

When it comes that time of year at the end of October when Halloween comes around once again, the holiday can really be a blast when you have someone that puts a lot of effort into their costume. We get that not everyone has the time or means to create their own very custom get up but when someone put some effort into the ordeal you can really tell.
This time, we stop in on someone who really took the holiday seriously this year and made what might possibly be one of the coolest costumes that we have ever seen and all it took was a simple mask along with some cardboard that has been tactfully crafted together and painted.
With a little bit of creativity and care, this little guy would end up with an Optimus Prime costume that looks like something that would cost a ton of money if you were to buy it in a store. It’s fun to watch as the kid gets up and down, transforming from the semi truck to Optimus and back again.
From what we have seen so far, this costume definitely ranks up at the top of our list. What is the best costume that you have ever seen come to life on Halloween?