This machine for motorcycles teaches you how to properly wheelie

We have seen some pretty nutty simulators out there that are designed to train people to do everything from flying an airplane to driving a semi truck and everything in between. This simulator brings a little bit of a different angle to the equation, though.
If honing in on your motorcycle skills is a point of emphasis for you, then this wheelie machine might just come in handy as it helps to train a rider to do just that and do it to the best of their abilities.
Instead of heading out trying wheelies and falling off of your dirt bike, this simulator allows you to hook your bike up and practice your throttle and brake control without the threat of falling being as prevalent.
Check out the invention in motion in the video below and tell us what you think of this machine as it helps a rider perfect their one-wheel skill. It really leads you to wonder how much one would have to use such a machine to justify the investment.