This Might Be The Most Relatable And Accurate Parking Lot Rant Ever… Hillarious!
For anyone who has ever had a vehicle that they cared about the appearance of, you might have known them to park near the back of the parking lot. Hey, that person might even be you. It’s only natural to want to go and park towards the back of the lot when you know that you will be safe from other people who don’t care about you and are careless with their doors, shopping carts, and all of the other terrible, horrible things that reside up near the front of the parking lot where everybody is in a mad rush to get in and out of the store.
This time, we catch up with the one and only Vic Dibitetto as he gives us the rundown of exactly why he parks toward the back of the lot and how angry he gets when somebody comes up and parks right next to him. If you’re one of those people who has ever tried to avoid others by parking in the back of a parking lot, you know that sometimes, someone is bound to snag that spot right next to you, it’s pretty inevitable. In fact, I’d be so inclined to think that it probably happens more often than not. As someone who is had this happen to me on a variety of different occasions, I guess it’s pretty infuriating, to say least.
While this is an issue that could be quite angering, as always, Ticked Off Vic has a way of making it pretty laughable, showing his disdain for the people who like to come out and park next to you and all of the other “mutants” who otherwise make parking in the parking lot an undesirable experience. Unless you’ve actually been there, this one’s going to be tough for you to understand but if you have been in that situation, prepare to start laughing your head off!