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This Side Dump Trailer Will Lower Risk From Tipping…. Because STABILITY Matters!

The company slogan says it all; Because Stability Matters. When this company set out to redesign the side dump trailer, they focused on keeping the tub itself under complete control compared to other designs that allowed it to almost flop over as the load reached the tipping point in the dumping motion. You can clearly see in the side by side demo that the new design on the right is very stable and controlled throughout the entire process while the original design on the left experiences what is known as tub acceleration, where the tub shifts so hard that the entire trailer looks as if it is going to tip over.

In fact, we have seen footage of these types of trailers doing just that, and this new design seems to solve that problem by eliminating tub acceleration which should prevent any trailers tipping over and causing injuries and damage to the trailer itself and anything that may be nearby. We can’t even begin to imagine the amount of force it takes to move the combined weight of the tub and the load, which can literally be tons of weight, depending on the cargo.

From what we can tell, with our admittedly limited trailer knowledge, it looks like they’re accomplished the added measure of control by moving articulation point of  the hydraulic cylinders that do the heavy lifting. In the old design, the rams lift the tub by pushing up on the top of the arched tub, while the new system pushes the bottom of the tub upward from the bottom, which allows a great deal more stability and control. The new design is shown dumping several different types of cargo, each of them ridiculously heavy, and it does so like a champ each time, with no visible tub acceleration, proving how much better the new design is.