This Simple Trick Will Make Your Serpentine Belt Last For Years!
The belts on your car’s engine are often one of the most overlooked components, and that can cause the biggest headaches if they fail, so they might be something to check on a little more often before you find yourself stranded. While they’re designed to last quite a while, it seems there is an easy, inexpensive trick that you can do to keep them in much better shape for a lot longer, possibly extending their life many times over what you would typically expect.
There’s also a real good chance you have everything you need already in your home, garage or shop to treat the belts, and what you don’t have on hand can be procured with a simple trip to the auto parts store. You’ll need container large enough to hold the belt coiled up inside, preferably flat on the bottom to keep the amount of treatment liquid needed to a minimum, and some rubber protectant. While most people think of Armor-All brand, there are certainly other brands out there who produce a great product, so use whatever you prefer, we just wanted to reference Armor-All so you’d know exactly what kind of product you’re going to be using.
Simply coil up the belt and place it in the container, then pour enough protectant in to cover the belt fully. Slosh the liquid around a bit, let it soak a while, then use a rag to wipe off the excess. That’s all there is to it. The protectant soaks into the rubber and provides many years and hundreds of thousands of miles of protection, keeping the belt up to the task of driving your accessories and keeping you on the road.