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Three People Have Been Arrested After Georgia Tech Protesters Torch Cop Car

After a Georgia Tech student was shot by the University police, there would be a peaceful Vigil held to honor his life. Perviously, Scout Schultz would be seen approaching officers with a knife and when the situation escalated, the officers would end up shooting Schultz which would eventually lead to his death. In a call to 911, whoever was on the phone had reported that Schultz had both a knife and gun and was also intoxicated, a dangerous situation to say the least in which officers had to be on their toes and ready for anything especially because of that report. We’re not going to elaborate much more on the shooting situation because that’s something that you can go and see for yourself, forming your own opinion. However, this time, we’re here to report on what exactly happened afterward.

After this peaceful vigil, it was reported that 50 or so people decided to continue on with the night and break out in protest. When the protest got too intense, it ended up with a police vehicle being set on fire and two Georgia Tech police officers being injured. Even if you think that the police officers were in the wrong here, I’m not really sure that fighting violence with even more violence is necessarily the way to get your message across in a situation like this. Essentially, the mess that has already been created is only getting to be an even bigger disaster that is likely to end with injury and people locked up in jail.

The video below shows off the protesters as they go head-to-head with police officers and end up causing sheer mayhem. It has been reported that three people have been arrested in the process and will be facing the consequences in court. Be sure to tell us what you think of the whole situation and how the response was handled.
