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Tire Scam Putting Families at Risk Across America… Learn How To Check Tire Dates!

When it comes to buying equipment for your car, especially when it comes to safety equipment, you’re going to want to go ahead and make sure that you have all of the best stuff. While it’s okay to cheap out on some things, there’re some things to keep you on the road that probably aren’t in an area that you want to take any chances on. When you really need them, you’re definitely not going to want to be without them and when you get tied up in that situation, it’s definitely too late to go back and upgrade at that point. In other words, make sure that you remain safe out there on the roads.

Now, even in a situation where you do try to go out there and buy the best of the best for your automobile, you aren’t always guaranteed to get it. What do we mean? Well, a lot of people out there might have parts that aren’t necessarily the best or maybe they are pretty good but they’re trying to pass them off as something that they aren’t. Sometimes, it can be difficult to flag issues like this, but with just the right amount of information, you can definitely protect yourself and try and make sure a situation like this doesn’t end up dropping itself on your front doorstep.

Now, you might have heard of tire retreading, the process that has people cutting into the old tread on a tire and trying to make it appear new again.This time, the issue at hand is even a little bit more subtle to detect. Now, this might not be something that all tire shops do maliciously, however, it’s definitely something that you should keep your eye on. The issue at hand here is the date of production of your tire and it just so happens to be listed right on your sidewall. You see, buying tires that are too old might mean that they’re starting to fall apart, as naturally, rubber deteriorates and leaves you in a bad spot. Check out the video below that will take you through everything that you should be looking for when buying a set of tires and be sure to tell us if this info helps you out at all.