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Top Fuel Nitro Motorcycle Import vs Harley – Larry “Spiderman” Mcbride!

Top Fuel Nitro Motorcycle Import vs Harley – Larry “Spiderman” Mcbride!

On top of a motorcycle, it almost might seem like riders like Larry “Spiderman” Mcbride are nearly indestructible and after watching this killer pass, he might as well be!

When Larry hops on top of his motorcycle, it’s all business as the Top Fuel Nitro legend takes on a V-Twin Top Fuel Harley mounted by Tommy Grimes in an all-out showdown!

We watch as Mcbride torques home an incredible 5.8-second elapsed time at 232.75mph, taking home the win! That’s a lot faster than most people would be comfortable going in a car!

Check out the nitro-injected insanity that will surely leave you on the edge of your seat. You don’t come across action like this all that often!

We can downright guarantee that you will never see something like the crash in the video below, ever again.

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