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Tow Truck Drivers Fighting in the Middle of Traffic!

When tow truck companies go into business, from what we’ve heard, they’re throwing their hat into a ring of some cut throat competition to get to the tows that pay out the big bucks.

Now, we haven’t been explicitly told what this confrontation is all about, but the fact that both of the participants are wheeling tow trucks would lead us to believe that it’s an industry related scuffle.

In any case, the drivers couldn’t wait until they got somewhere convenient as they decided to drop the gloves and square off right in the middle of a busy intersection.

The entire situation was recorded by a driver who probably couldn’t believe what they were looking at as two grown men threw fists in between their tow trucks.

You can see the entire confrontation in the video below. What do you think was the final straw that made this situation explode?
