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Travel Along With Antron Brown’s Hauler Through the Western Swing

As a photographer, I have a special appreciation for race teams taking time to include photo and video journals and the like when they head out on their many numerous ventures. Time lapses are one of my favorite types of projects because even the most basic time lapse requires research, planning, execution and of course, editing.

The team at Don Schumacher Racing decided to put together one epic time lapse, at least as far as the duration of the project and the miles covered by the camera itself. When their convoy of rigs headed out from headquarters in Brownsburg, IN a few weeks ago to trek westward for the grueling annual Western swing, somebody had the idea to tuck a camera into the windshield of one of Antron Brown’s haulers. I’m not sure how exactly they went about setting up the camera, but as you can see, it spent the next three weeks plus capturing the long trek west and back.

While most time lapses choose more frequent exposures to help smooth the captures into an almost silky smooth video that looks somewhat like a dream, taking the opposite approach really helps convey the chaos that literally defines the Western swing. By putting more time between each photo and placing them together side by side in the video, the viewer gets a real sense of the length and breadth of the Swing.

The journey was fruitful for the DSR teams as Leah Pritchett, Antron Brown and Ron Capps, all of whom also fly the Speed Society colors, took wins while Capps also scored two runner-up finishes while Pritchett scored one second place along with Tony Schumacher. All in all, the DSR team cars racked up 33 round wins in the three swing races.

Ride along with the rigs as they covered some 5,300 miles in just three weeks, capturing the beauty within the chaos of the Swing.