TROG aka The Race of Gentlemen – Wildwood Recap

“Excited to see our dudes The Oilers bring The Race of Gentlemen west to Pismo this year. Come out and join some of The Hoonigans and the Routeless crew at the event.” Racing on the beach? Can it get any better than that? These guys take their tricked out hot rods and race like it was back in the 30s and 40s. Going to this event would be a total time machine experience.
What is TROG?
Here is an excerpt from The Race Of The Gentlemen website
The Race of Gentlemen is an automotive carnival that celebrates American racing heritage. A true homage to automobile and motorcycle history, hosted by the Oilers CC/MC. Spectators and racers alike will experience a simplier time of when guys were gentlemen and cars were king! Stultz & Green Productions will exhibit their hand-selected group of gentlemen, who will showcase their pre-war machines at the water’s edge on the beach of Wildwood, New Jersey. Commonly referred to as TROG for short, the carefully curated event will give you a history lesson and an unforgettable weekend, all rolled into one.
Race fans, hold onto your seats while vintage motorcycles and automobiles battle it out on the shore against the rising tides for your viewing pleasure. Indian, Harley Davidson, Excelcior, Ford, Dodge Brothers and more! An extraordinary display of why America’s love for vintage automotive will never fade. Do not miss your chance to see these fine men flog their jaw dropping machines on the sand, just like in days gone by. Come one, come all to watch in awe as they roar at the shore!
Here are some of the great people who started this amazing race and car club (The Oilers) way back in the 1940’s.
Founder Jim Nelson’s 1929 roadster on 1932 rails. Notice the lack of front brakes as this car was strictly for competition. This car also displays the “Masters Auto Supply” logo that would later be seen on the Dragmasters famous Dode Martin/Jim Nelson Dragliner Special.
Dolores Proctor mugging for the camera with the Oilers guys at Jim Nelson’s house. Dolores never smoked and she thought this picture was a riot. Oilers member Melford Robbins’ red 1940 Ford Kustom is seen in the background on the right.
The men and women racing today at TROG do it for the Nostalgia, the adreniline rush and to remind people that this is how it was back in the day! They also like to remind people that this is how racing started, and has grown into what it is today. Check out the video below as our friends at Hoonigan review this weekends great event and interivew the guys who keep the dream and passion alive at TROG.