Truck Tug of War Gone Wrong, Redneck Games

After seeing all of the fails and carnage that have come from truck tug-of-war competitions, we wouldn’t recommend putting your truck to the test like this unless you’re ready and willing to destroy it. In this situation, unfortunately, for this pair of drivers, that’s exactly what happened.
We watch as a pair of Ford pickup trucks go back to back in the competition of traction and strength to see who will reign supreme. First, everything seems to be going as according to plan but after the battle, all hell breaks loose when one competitor doesn’t know when to stop!
You see, after one of the drivers thought that it was over, he hopped out of his pickup truck to assess the situation. It was at this point that the other driver decided to pound the throttle and keep on hounding at this waged war. With the other truck not being securely in park, I think you can see where this one’s going.
As the driver who had hopped out of the truck could do nothing but watch on, his truck keeps on rolling until it collides with the other truck and by his reaction, we would venture to say that the collision did a pretty good amount of damage. This probably wasn’t how either driver had expected the situation to end when they signed up to go at one another.
Did the driver that kept on going really not know what was happening or was this the result of someone being a bit of a sore loser? You decide!