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True dedication to get to work, Be glad you don’t take Toyko’s flooded tunnel to work

If you thought that the traffic on your way to work was tough this morning, just be glad that your entire commute took place above the water.

While you might take things like livable weather for granted, it’s really easy to appreciate when you see videos like this of people who don’t have such luxuries at the moment.

While from what we have read, the Tokyo Expressway is a rather nice road, today, apparently flooding was in the mix while traveling through a tunneled portion of the highway.

The most concerning part about this whole ordeal is that presumably, this tunnel is underneath of a body of water and the last thing that you want to see in a tunnel underwater is… well, water.

Check out the video below as this brave driver blasts his way through the liquid to get out of the other side and make his way to work.

Take a moment the next time you’re on your way to wherever it is you might be traveling to appreciate the fact that you don’t have to deal with something like this!
