Turbo Powered S10 Makes ALL The Boost!

Most of the time I write these articles with the expectation that you read them, then watch the video. I know for many of you, you hit that play button first, then come back and read, and a lot of you never read what I write at all – unless I happen to make a mistake, it seems each of you reads those and lets me know loud and clear – but this time I actually want you to scroll down and watch this video first, then come back to Paragraph #2 and see if you can pass a little test.
There is something about this truck that doesn’t quite add up. Many of you will have spotted it right away, and some of you may not catch it until I point it out later. If you don’t know, you’re going to just have to continue reading until I finally point out the oddity further into the article.
I know this great looking truck, known as Iceman, has been around the grudge scene for a while now. I saw it a couple of years ago myself and really loved the awesome paint job. When I saw it in person, the truck was powered by a nitrous-injected powerplant, but it has been converted to a turbocharged setup at some point.
Regardless of the type of power adder, you can tell as soon as the driver hits the tree that this thing is serious business. No drama, no wheelstands, nothing but hooking and booking down the track at Middle Georgia Motorsports Park, where our buddy Justin Malcom from the JMalcom2004 channel caught this pass.
It looks like the truck does wiggle a bit just before halfback, but that little bobble is nothing for a seasoned pro. As for the oddity with the truck, most of you know turbochargers don’t feed outside air into the throttle body, the turbos themselves cram air into the throttle body. That being the case, a turbo setup doesn’t require a hood scoop, but there is still one perched atop the hood of this truck. Not a big deal, but one of those little things that keen-eyed race fans would probably catch immediately.