Twin Turbo LS7 VS Supercharged LS7 Sand Rail Showdown!

Twin Turbo LS7 VS Supercharged LS7 Sand Rail Showdown!
When it comes to building a sand rail, there seems to be a go big or go home mentality and with what these rigs bring to the table, we don’t think that either will be sent packing by this logic.
On one hand, we have the Tatum Motorsports Sand Rail sporting a twin turbo LS7 engine and on the other, we’re looking at another LS7, this time with a 4.5L Whipple Supercharger.
These rigs haven’t been put head to head yet, but that doesn’t stop us from picking a side! Which of these gnarly setups do you have in a straight-up drag race?
After an uber fail, this mud truck ends up stuck in the mud vertically!