Twin Turbo Viper vs Twin Turbo Corvette – Worlds Fastest Corvette in a 1/2 Mile?

Before we dive into this video, I need to give you guys and gals some perspective.
Two hundred four miles per hour.
That’s. Freakin. FAST.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say for every 100 people who read this, maybe one or 2 of you have been over the 200 MPH mark in a car, and of those, even fewer can say that hit the double century mark in a car that actually looks like a car.
So, when this Dodge Viper screams through the finish line at last weekend’s Shift S3ctor event at 204 MPH, it is certainly nothing to shake your head about. For any vehicle to race from 0-204 MPH in just 2,640 feet is very much impressive.
In the other lane is something downright nasty, and it manages to make said Viper look as if it’s out for a leisurely Sunday afternoon cruise. I don’t know anything about this ‘Vette other than what is readily apparent in this video, but I can tell you this is easily the most insane C6 I’ve ever seen, especially among those that are reasonably stock-appearing. Yes, I do see the insane wing, obnoxious diffuser, and parachute. However, looking at the car blazing through the finish line at a ridiculous 236 MPH, it’s immediately apparent those things are very much needed to keep this thing planted at those speeds.
I’m also going to take a moment to discuss the way this car sounds. I’m not sure if this is an LS-based powerplant or not, but I can tell you I’ve never heard an LS that sounds so purely amazing. Just what until the head-on camera view from between the lanes and listen to this monster roar past with the absolute most magical exhaust note ever.
Thanks to TheBayAreaRacing YouTube channel for this excellent footage, and to the Viper owner for sacrificing any attention his runs would have gotten.