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UFC Fighter, Derrick Lewis, Willing to Destroy his High Dollar Truck to Help Out Hurricane Harvey Victims 🎥

With the way that things have shaped up in Houston during Hurricane Harvey, the people down there really need all the help that they can get. With that in mind, we have definitely seen some examples of simply good people pitching in where they can to make sure that their fellow human being is able to weather the storm quite literally in this instance. The help is from coming all sorts of different sources ranging from donating money to donating time and even donating space in homes and shelters. It’s really good to see that even in a time where life is presented in such a way that makes things seem like we’re divided, that in reality, people are still able to come together and do good for one another in a time of tragedy.

From the looks of things, it appears as if everybody and anybody is getting in on the action, regardless of if they are someone who is living paycheck to paycheck or someone as big as UFC fighter, Derrick Lewis, who headed down to Houston to get his hands dirty and help a little bit with a hands on rescue attempt as he took his stout Chevrolet Silverado dually down to the scene of the destruction provided by Mother Nature and got to helping someone get pulled out of a sticky spot. Most of the time, if you manage to get yourself stuck with your vehicle, a company like AAA would be on the scene to help but in an emergency like this, if the company is still operating at all, you can bet your bottom dollar they are probably overwhelmed with people looking for help.

Check out the video down below that captures a little bit of a helping hand being lent out here that shows that the fighting star isn’t afraid to get down and dirty, even in a truck that probably cost him a ton of money to get built. In a time like this, it’s really good to see that people are being selfless to help out their fellow human being. Sacrificing your time, personal safety, and even a vehicle that you spent a lot of money on really says a lot about somebody and their willingness to be a good person.