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Underground Racing WINS Dallas Texas WannaGoFast Half Mile

When it comes to a name like Underground Racing, you know that it’s a company that is synonymous with going fast. Pretty much everything that these guys crank out is worthy of admiration and will make you stop and stare for a couple of minutes, trying to pick up on exactly how it is that they take these machines that are pretty great to start with and make them even better than the manufacturer decided to. When they’re thrust into action at half-mile events across the country, you can really get a sense of just how serious the machines can really be.

This time, we head out to Dallas, Texas for the Wannagofast half-mile event that really puts one of the UGR machines on display, handing the reigns to Gidi Chamdi and letting it loose, turning the beast up and giving it a whole runway to let it eat. When the throttle cracks open, I think we can all agree that it’s really an experience for all of the senses as the screaming Lamborghini Huracan X really spits out a wonderful note, blasting it is way down the strip and looking good doing it to boot.

When the dust finally settles, the crew ended up taking home a whole series of accolades as we have become used to from the company spinning these cars out. The top trap speed of the weekend that the car would be able to accomplish would amount to 250.55 mph, which would be good enough not only to take home the crown for the all-wheel-drive class but also the overall trap speed championship as it was the fastest that the entire event had to offer. Congratulations are in order yet again to everyone who has their fingerprints on this build as they have managed to put this beautiful machine through the paces yet again, taking on yet another series of cars and coming out on top.