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Update – 3 Problems With The Cheapest Walmart Car Stereo

One of the interesting parts of putting together a car for anybody who is into building their own machines is picking out all the parts. Depending on what you’re doing, there are definitely different mindsets when you approach certain components such as the stereo system. For YouTuber, Rob Dahm, he decided that, in his daily driver, maybe he didn’t need to dump a ton of money into the way that the car sounds, music wise, but he definitely says that he wanted it to sound better than the stock system which provided what was basically an unlistenable noise coming from the speakers.

Therefore, we have been following his journey as he’s been tinkering around with some of the cheapest speakers that money can buy, providing us with helpful videos to see if it’s all worth it. Even at the low price point, is it worth putting the speakers in your ride if they’re just going to be horrible and you’re going to have to replace them again anyway? Well, up to this point in time, it seems like Rob is a little bit pleasantly surprised by what the speakers have had to offer but on the other hand, he definitely acknowledges that they are low dollar speakers and definitely have some shortcomings as well.

If you follow along in the video below, you’ll get a little bit more detail about the budget audio aisle that you’ll find at your local Walmart and see exactly what you are going to be getting when you spend your money on the cheapest stuff that you can throw into your sound system. More particularly, this time, we learn about three things that he says that he doesn’t like about the stereo and how it can be updated a little bit to make it better.