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Uphill Sand Racing Fail Compilation! Massive Carnage!

For most gearheads, we just simply can’t sit still and hang out in one lane. The need to bounce around to different types of motorsports is real and this time, we check out an adrenaline overflow that comes to us from uphill sand racing, a sport that you need to check out more of if you’re not too familiar with it in the first place.

In this particular compilation video, we check out some of the more catastrophic movements of the sport as a bunch of fails were captured on video and have been bunched together to satisfy your need for power and speed all at once. Watching these guys go to the limit is surely a roller coaster ride.

As massive amounts of boost are pumped through these engines and the drivers lay into the throttle to go for big time power, let’s just say that things don’t always go as according to plan as something has got to give whether it be internally in the engine or the entire rig rolling over.

Take a ride on the wild side in these sand trucks that spool up and go! Getting behind the wheel of one of these things has to be an absolute rush and when catastrophe unfolds, the adrenaline has to pump even harder! We could even say that some of these drivers are certified crazy!