Video Shows Driver Who Couldn’t Be Worse at Making a Simple Turn

Sometimes, when you watch a certain situation unfold, you just can’t help but wonder how exactly the person in question got themselves caught up in such a mess in the first place. After meeting the minimum requirements to get your license, you would expect people to at least have decent driving ability on the roadways. While everybody might not necessarily be Jeff Gordon, being able to make a simple turn would be something that you would expect that pretty much everybody has the vision to be able to pull off when given ample time.
This time, we catch up with a situation that has a driver unable to make a turn and instead of backing it up and trying again, they show us exactly why they probably reconsider getting behind the wheel in the first place as the driver continues around the corner anyways, acknowledging that they couldn’t make it through an opening but continuing on, destroying the car in the process. I’m not really sure what was preventing them from backing up and swinging wide, but apparently, this driver didn’t have the time to stop and figure out how to get through the opening as they just continued on to destroy their vehicle.
Follow along in the video down below that pretty much proves to be a massive head scratcher. It’s quite unclear exactly how you end up in a predicament like this but this driver managed to pull it off with flying colors and it was all recorded to help amplify the facepalm moment. Maybe we’re missing something here but on the surface, this really looks to be a pretty big blooper. I’m sure that if the driver saw the same video that we’re seeing that they would’ve also been laughing right alongside us because this one is just too perfectly bad.