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Video Shows Where Airlines Are Parking Unused Airplanes During COVID-19 Pandemic

As the COVID-19 quarantine continues to push on, life is changing in all sorts of unexpected ways. With the emergence of the virus, one thing that we have all noticed is a major downturn in air travel. In fact, there is major concern surrounding the future of the airline industry. Many questions what sort of financial impact this will have on the industry as a whole when life resumes as it was.

Those are long term problems, though.

In the short term, the matter of fact is that very few are traveling on commercial flights. With this a lack of demand, it seems like many airplanes have been temporarily grounded. Most of the time when we, as consumers, come in contact with airplanes, it’s at the airport. All that we know of the planes is sitting at the gate and flying through the air. Where would a plane go, though, if it had to be put out of commission for an extended period?

This time, we take a ride with the Wolficorn YouTube channel as he answers part of that question. In this particular demonstration, we check out a whole variety of grounded airplanes from Delta and Southwest. Currently, the planes are being stored at the Victorville Air Force Base in Victorville, California. Other planes spotted on the premises include the Boeing planes that encountered their highly publicized reliability issues.

By following along with the video below, we tune in with a scene that is downright chilling. Seeing all of these airplanes left parked and idle is certainly something unfamiliar. Sure, there are airplane boneyards across the world with retired planes. However, seeing these perfectly functional airplanes just sitting is something to behold.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is one of those images that will be stamped in the history books when people look back on this trying time across the world.